About US
Our Passion
Serving Southern Rensselaer & Northern Columbia Counties
Thank you for your interest in Our Towne Magazine Southern Rensselaer & Northern Columbia County.
It is our mission to connect local consumers with local businesses and “connect the community.” Our Towne Magazine is published monthly, February-December and distributed through direct mail (approximately 20 thousand are mailed and 500 placed around town). Around the first of the month, readers can look forward to articles about local businesses & community organizations, advertisements, and community calendar events.
Like our advertisers, Our Towne Magazine is a locally owned, independent small business.
Over the past few years, our Facebook presence has offered advertisers another marketing opportunity. Our Towne print advertisers receive FREE Facebook promotions on the Our Towne Magazine (Rensco) Facebook. Your advertisement will be shared on our page; and your posts can also be shared with Our Towne Magazine Facebook followers. Posting ads and sharing posts is included with all print advertisements. We reach over 10 thousand per week on Facebook and are excited to launch the Our Towne Magazine Instagram this year. Current and past issues can be read and shared on our website. We are progressive at Our Towne Magazine, offering services in print, on the web and in the digital world.
My goal is to help your business /organization find success in Our Towne! This publication is about the people that live, work and own businesses in our community. When you succeed, I succeed.
If you have any questions, need information or would like to make suggestions on how to improve this publication, I hope you will contact me!
Our Towne Magazine allows me to work closely with fellow independent, small-business owners; creating marketing and advertising goals that help them reach new customers.
Thank you for reading Our Towne and please make sure you tell our advertisers you found them here!

jennifer felts - your publisher
I have lived in Castleton with my family for 18 years. We love the small-town atmosphere and would not want to live anywhere else!
Professionally, I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Russell Sage College and a Master of Education from The College of Saint Rose.
Owning and Publishing Our Towne Magazine has been a fulfilling & exciting chapter of my professional life that began in August of 2012.
Our Towne Magazine advertisers know that I have “their back” and will go above and beyond to help them achieve their business goals. The relationships I have with advertisers is the best part of my job!
Jennifer Felts
Our Towne Owner and Publisher
Our Facts
Our Towne is not interested in becoming the largest publication. We only want to provide the best, well-designed ads that produce the desired results for our advertisers. Because our business success aligns with your business success, we strive for quality over quantity at all times. See who we can make a difference for you.
What We can Do
1/8 pAGE
19,000 Issues Mailed Directly
1,000 Issues Placed Around Towns
11 Communities Served
1/8 page
All Features from Black and White Ad
Attention Grabbing Color
Same Quality Service
Other sizes / services
Multi Issue Discounts
Graphical Design and Facebook Services
Marketing and Business Consulting